Tuesday, June 23, 2009

50 And Fabulous

50 and fabulous Carolyn P. Alexander has been a Dallas fashion icon since here teenage years in the West Dallas area. Her late mother, Virginia Pierce was a seamstress and made all of her garments up until her death in 1989. Carolyn has caught the eye of many woman whether they're full figured or slim her style is impeccable. She loves classic things such as tailored suits, 6 inch heels which she has a walk in closet full of, and she is not afraid of a plunging neckline. "I hate wearing tennis shoes they hurt my feet" Carolyn said". Her hair has also been recognizes it never seems to be out of place, every hair is put in place. She has many admirers and her biggest fan of all is her son Jazzy R. Alexander Baptiste. Carolyn is the face of 50 and shes fabulous!

Jazzy Baptiste xoxo

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fashion Meets Classic Literature

Wearing an 80’s inspired look— high waist shorts paired with turquoise Plimsolls shoes, Callie Windle smiles and opens up about her and goals.

Windle, a light auburn haired 19-year-old Denton native majoring in Public Relations meets the financial needs of school from scholarships provided by UNT. Creative Writing, Classic American Literature, and Vintage things whether its fashion or the bright orange 50’s sofa chair she recently purchased are driving factors in her life. “My favorite book is “The Singer” by Calvin Miller.” “It tells the story of Christ it’s like a long poem and it’s really pretty.” Windle said. After graduation, she wants to travel the world and make Europe her first destination. Windle plans to work for a small business that has a lot of variety. “I don’t want to work for a boring public relations firm, I want to have fun at work and one day start a family” Windle said.
Jazzy Baptiste xoxo

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Artist Profile: Julius Harper

In north Dallas, Texas, on a rainy Monday evening the city has seem to pause for a moment. In a cozy vintage decorated apartment including a shaggy rug, and Vargas girl paintings, the sounds of echoes of right clicks from the mouse of a MAC computer fill the air. A smiling mellow 23 year old pierced, and tattooed all over Julius Harper is sipping on a mocha latte dressed in a slouch V neck, fedora hat, and skinny jeans he is working on a graphic design and choosing a color theme for his upcoming t-shirt line that resembles Japanese animation. He twists his kinky hair while rapidly creating numerous sketches until he finds a special one he can put into his senior portfolio and to sell to a client. Inspired by world renowned painter the late Andy Warhol, and fashions pop culture icon Marc Jacobs Harper feeds off the energy the two artists cater. “Graphic design is everywhere and everything,” Harper said.
Jazzy Baptiste