Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Day Smokey Eye"

I created a day smokey eye with shadows from the Urban Decay "Naked" Palette here are a few steps and the shadows I used so that you can recreate the look.

1. I applied "Greed" primer potion from Urban Decay

2. I applied "Darkhorse" shadow do my entire lid with the Urban Decay "Good Karma" brush you necessarily don't have to use this particular brush,but a full size shadow brush with a little firmness that can really deposit the shadow

3. I applied "Creep" shadow to my outer corner to create the smoke effect. remember not to apply to much dark shadow and blend outward

4. I highlighted my brows by applying "Smog" you can use a large shadow brush to achieve this dab the shadow starting from the iris which begins in front of your brow and blend outward

5. Last I highlighted my inner crease with "Half Baked" I love this because it makes your eyes look brighter. Dab a little in and blend inward.

Your day smokey eye has been created I will follow up with videos soon until then stay fabulous pretty ones!

Jazzy Baptiste xoxo

Fall Trend Grey Nail Polish

Its fall ladies which means darker nail polishes are more appropriate

I'm currently trying "You Don't Know Jacques" from O.P.I. and I love it and I can assure you will love it too.

Its a matte creamy grey polish and when you add a top coat the color is beautiful. I think it can compliment any skin tone.

Enjoy those grey nails ladies

Jazzy Baptiste xoxo