Friday, January 28, 2011

Brandivo Saving the World Through Laughter and Fried Chicken

Media entrepreneur, life coach, and professional foodie Brandon Gillespie has began to change the world through inspirational videos.

A 27 year-old Dallas Native, Gillespie is now becoming more aggressive through self promotion in order to reach a broader audience. Inspired by people and their stories he began interviewing people and letting their voices be heard through the camera."I want people to laugh and also take away encouragement and a little hope". Gillespie said

In 2011 Gillespie wants to be bigger and bolder. He wants to take it further beyond his channel by becoming more personable by sharing stories that he's discussed with close friends and family to reach every walk of life in America and plans on tackling topics that he's not spoken on publicly. "I want to work to marry all aspects of my personality for my audience after all I want them to see what people around me see everyday a mess". Gillespie said

Not planning his videos has made Gillespie's channel more endearing which lures in fans and faithful viewers. Whether its through radio, videos, or on his website Branivo wants to spread his voice on multiple platforms and inspire people to live better lives. "Better living starts with a laugh" Gillespie said.

Check out Brandon Gillespie's website and subscribe to his youtube channel as he says "Thank God, better tomorrow".

Jazzy Baptiste xoxo

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